Four Mindset Tips for Exercise

Content by:  Lee Agbohlah, BS of Kinesiology and Exercise Science

Learn how to make exercise a priority with these fun tips.

Tip 1: Schedule your workouts.

- Schedule your workout like it’s an important meeting for work or a doctor's appointment!

-Train your mind to prioritize your workouts.

- Set daily reminders in your calendar. Remember to set alerts!

- Schedule your workouts at times that are convenient.

- Adapt your schedule, when needed.

- Consistency happens over time!

Tip 2: Organize workout logs

- How productive are you at work without having systems in place?

- Monitor fitness productivity! You need to have records to keep you on track.

- Organize workouts in an App, or a simple spreadsheet.

- Set workouts in the correct order to maximize results.

- Keep track of your progress with proper recording. Evaluate your workouts to stay on top of your goals.

Tip 3: Write out your goals.

- Life can be a roller coaster with the ups and downs throughout a year! It’s easy to fall off when you lose focus.

- How powerful are your actions when you feel motivated? Imagine how driven you will be when you see your goals everyday?

- Establish a routine of writing your goals out everyday. Store your goals in clear view for a daily reminder.

- Set goals that align with your vision .

- Read your goals before you go to sleep!

Tip 4: Read to invest in your personal development.

- Investing in your mind will have a better ROI than any retirement fund! It will elevate all areas of your life.

- Imagine what reading 10 pages a day of a self-help book will do for your mindfulness of your health?

- 10 pages a day is nearly 4,000 pages in a year!

- Train your mind to be aware of your health.

- Establish the habit of reading to build the habit of being active. Fill your mind with positive thoughts.