Basics of High Blood Pressure

Content by: Erin Nugent, RD

Nearly half of adults in the US have high blood pressure. What is high blood pressure? It's important to understand elevated blood pressure, and lifestyle steps for improving your numbers.

High Cholesterol occurs when there is more in the body than it can use. The excess can cause build up in the artery walls. This build up will create a narrowing of the arteries and restricts the blood flow to the heart and other major organs. High Cholesterol is asymptomatic and only detected through a lipid profile blood test.

There are steps that may reduce cholesterol in the diet and lower the risks of heart disease. Here are 5 tips for eating less saturated fats!

Choose lean cuts of meat

Avoid fried foods

Switch dairy products- from whole milk to 2% or 1% or skim milk

Choose whole grain products- instead if processed, baked goods

Consume a wide variety of fruits and vegetables- Most are naturally low in fat